Text Sermons
The Great and the Whole (Philippians 2: 8-11)
The truth is, the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was no big deal. The Roman government perpetrated over ten thousand such executions during the long and bloody reign of their empire. If the Jerusalem Times had bothered to send a cub reporter to cover Jesus’...
“Lovers of the Cross Are Few” (Matthew 10: 38-39)
Thomas Hemerken, better known to the world as Thomas a’ Kempis, was born late in the 14th century. Born of poor parents, he entered the monastery in 1399 and worked there for the next seventy-two years. He distinguished himself as a preacher and spiritual advisor, but...
Thirst for Glory (II Corinthians 3: 17-18)
I think perhaps the fact that this is my first Easter without my father has caused me to think more intently about the reality of heaven. But as I reflect on that subject my mind turns to a statement that my children made to me often when they were young: “Daddy, when...
The Sin of Narcissus (Philippians 3: 2-7)
The ancient Greeks told the story of a young man who was so extraordinarily handsome that every woman fell in love with him at first sight. But this young man returned no one’s affection. He was so self-absorbed, so self-contained, so focused upon his beauty, his...
Refusing Your True Self (Philippians 2: 3-7; 4: 1-3)
In the Garden of Gethsemane, twelve of twelve disciples failed their Master. For most of them, their failure laid the groundwork for future service. Their failure under pressure caused them to realize how much they needed the strength of their Lord. Eventually, most...