Text Sermons
Saul in Darkness (Acts 9: 1-9)
“Saul arose from the ground and when his eyes were opened, he could see nothing.“ Before we contemplate the figure of Saul in his darkness, let us think about people in our contemporary world who feel as if they live in darkness: the man in the doctor’s office who has...
“Good Morning. Bedford. Go Ahead.” (John 16: 29-33)
Early one July morning in 1944, in the little town of Bedford, Virginia, located halfway between Lynchburg and Roanoke, Virginia, a young woman working as a teletype operator at a drug store typed in her usual message to the central operator: “Good morning. Bedford....
The Electric Touch (Matthew 16: 19; I Corinthians 4: 17)
As we begin this sermon this morning, I want you to do something for me. I want you to reach out to the person nearest to you, take their hand and squeeze it gently for a moment. . . . now let it go. . . . You have just demonstrated the most effective and powerful...
Salt, Light and the Narrow Way (Matthew 5:13-16; 7: 13-14)
I want you young people to know that you have been subjected to a subliminal message, a subliminal message that is being communicated to you by your parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, ministers and mentors – a message which, next to the words, “We love...
How To Want What We Want (I Samuel 1: 12 –18)
God created us with eyes. That simple fact alone suggests that we are designed to want. We see people, opportunities, and things that we believe would please us – and we want them. Advertisers know this: some years ago there was a commercial whose theme song was, “I...