Text Sermons
Dead Egyptians Upon the Seashore (Exodus 14: 26-30)
Some years ago, the eye of a small hurricane stalled over that sizable body of water known as Mobile Bay. To everyone’s astonishment, the hurricane sucked up virtually all of the moisture of that vast body of water, creating a dry walkway where once had stood a sea....
Ligament People (Genesis 21: 1-)
Bold, boisterous, aggressive, outsized-personality types dominate our business landscape, our political stage, our sports pages, even our religious attention. Flamboyant visionaries often set the agenda in their respective fields. Yet Isaac, one of our faith’s three...
The Birth of an Idea (2 Corinthians 3: 17-18)
Our Baptist story started when Henry VIII wanted the Pope (Clement VII) to grant him a divorce from his wife Catherine of Aragon, and the Pope would not do it. Henry decided he could deal with this problem by creating an entirely new church movement that essentially...
The Extravagance of God (Genesis 15: 1-6)
Years ago, in the midst of a busy morning, my administrative assistant buzzed me to say, “A Charlotte Observer reporter is on the line. He wants to talk to you.” I picked up the receiver and the reporter said, “Dr. Kremer, explain to me the Christian understanding of...
Father Doesn’t Always Know Best (Judges 11: 30-34)
This story is strange and disturbing. On one level, Jepthah was one of Israel’s most formidable judges, a great warrior, brave, strong, intelligent – and profoundly insecure, though that’s the last word he would have used to describe himself. In a moment of...