Text Sermons
Blessing or Beast? (Romans 13: 1-7; Revelation 13: 1-8)
If you were a looking for Biblical proof that civil government enjoys the sanction of divine authority, Romans 13: 1-7 provides such an endorsement. Paul urges everyone to be subject to the governing authorities, calls everyone to live in obedience to the rulers of...
The Giant in the Valley (I Samuel 17: 31-37)
Goliath stood nine and a half feet tall. We’re talking a surefire NBA lottery pick. He was covered head to toe in polished bronze and carried a spear the size of a pole-vault pole and a shield that looked like a piece of aluminum siding. And he walked before the...
“The Abuse of Adonijah” (I Kings 1: 5-6)
All of you know who Adonijah is without my saying a word, so I won’t bother refreshing your memories – at least not just yet. But know this about Adonijah – he was abused as a child. No, he was not abused in the way you might be thinking, which is to say that he was...
“When God Lets Us Go” (Romans 1: 18-25)
When we say the phrase, “the wrath of God,” it is easy to conjure up the image of some bearded Greco-Roman deity sitting on a throne hurling down thunderbolts from heaven upon those who have irritated him. Those of you who know early American preacher Jonathan...
“My Anchor Holds” (Psalm 62: 1-7)
The Weather Channel displays a great aptitude for obtaining not only amazing videos of awe-inspiring or incredibly-destructive natural catastrophes, but sometimes, they manage to gain footage of weird human- interest events that capture people’s attention. This week...