Text Sermons
“Lovers of the Cross Are Few” – Pastoral Charge to New Deacons ( Matthew 10: 38-39)
Thomas Hemerken, better known to the world as Thomas a’ Kempis, was born late in the 14th century. Born of poor parents, he entered the monastery in 1399 and worked there for the next seventy-two years. He was widely known as a preacher and spiritual advisor, but...
What Does It Mean To Be Human? (Romans 3: 21-26 )
The book of Romans is basically an exploration of two fundamental questions: what is the nature of God? and what is the nature of humanity? The passage before us is holy ground before which we should tremble, for the depth and breadth of Paul’s genius is here on...
A Leap in the Dark (John 11: 14-16)
The recent church camping and river trip impressed upon me the fact that I should not assume that you as a congregation have read books that I am sure you have read – or seen movies that I am sure that you have seen. Indeed, even though all of you should have read J....
Enlarging the Story of Your Life (Romans 1: 8-15)
Even those of you who are ignoramuses when it comes to American history have heard the name of the notorious Chicago mobster, Al Capone. But you may not have heard of his attorney, Easy Eddie, who was the skillful genius who helped Capone amass a financial empire,...
“Here We Go” (Romans 5:1-8)
I was entering the seventh grade, a new kid in a new town at a new school, sitting in the junior high auditorium, enduring an orientation class, not knowing a soul. The only friends I had made that summer were sixth graders, and back in those dark ages, when I was a...