Text Sermons
What Will God Do With People of Other Faiths? (Romans 11: 25-36)
Some years ago I ran across the amazing story of a young black South African minister who had been arrested by apartheid authorities on bogus charges. He was terribly tortured by his captors, enduring unspeakable horrors. Amidst his anguish this young man would...
The Nature of Christian Hope (Romans 8: 18-25)
I begin this sermon where I ended the last one, by reciting Paul’s spiritual calculus for developing spiritual maturity. He declared, “We rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character...
The Blessing of Dashed Dreams (Romans 5: 1-5)
The crowd began the countdown: “Ten – Nine –Eight – Seven – Six –“ The color commentator screamed over the roar -- “They’re gonna do it!” “Five - Four – Three –Two – One” – Al Michaels uttered the line of his journalistic life: “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!”...
The Already and the Not Yet (Romans 5: 6-11)
If I say the phrase, “Make my day,” most of you would instantly know who originated the phrase. Indeed, in our age of media saturation, no small number of phrases from popular movies have leached their way into our common vernacular. Phrases like, “Play it again,...
Escaping Your Worst Self (Romans 7: 14-21)
Paul was one of the world’s first psychologists. Of all the Biblical figures, only Jeremiah comes close to Paul in probing deeply his own motives and behavior. But not even Jeremiah approaches the profundity of Paul’s insight into his own fragmented, conflicted...