Text Sermons
“Go! Go Forward!” (Romans 15: 20 -24 )
How often do we stop to recognize that God’s covenant interaction with humanity starts with the simple command, “Go”? God says to Abram, “Go! Go from your country and go from your kindred to the land that I will show you.” God says to Moses, “Go confront Pharaoh and...
The Cost of Remembering (Romans 15: 22-29)
People like to assert the timeworn axiom that hindsight is 20-20. More than most axioms, that truism is dead wrong. Few among us see the past any more clearly than we see the present or future. If hindsight were 20-20, historians wouldn’t spend years developing the...
“I, Tertius . . .“ (Romans 16: 22)
Occasionally, when I am in a feisty and perverse mood, I tease some of my fundamentalist friends by telling them that Paul did not write a single book in our Bible. When they sputter and fume, I tell them that my source for this opinion is Paul himself. Yes, he...
The Divine Fairy Tale (If Disney Did Romans) (Romans 5: 12-21)
The inspiration for this sermon came years ago when our children were small. Little germ carriers that they were, they brought home a horrible virus that swept through our entire household, inducing high fever and achiness. Our family could do nothing more than...
What Makes a Family? (Acts 2: 1-13)
As most of you know, a couple of weekends each year I lay aside my pastoral duties to meet family and friends from around the country for a few days of camping and river rafting. Next weekend, will be the 89th time we have gathered. And though the cast of characters...