Text Sermons

Soils of the Soul   (Mark 4: 1-9)

Listen! Jesus says to his hearers. Listen! There once was a sower who went out to sow. However, this sower either had an impossibly high regard for the potency of these seeds, or he didn’t seem to care about what he was doing. This sower seems more like Mr. Magoo than...

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Yes Entails No   (Mark 1: 16-20)

When I counsel couples preparing for marriage I make a statement they generally find agreeable. I tell them, “Marriage is a process where you say an extraordinary Yes to each other.” This sounds perfectly reasonable to them. But then I add an observation they find...

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Immediately!   (Mark 1: 9-13)

Jesus is baptized by John. Immediately, the Spirit descends upon him like a dove. Immediately the Spirit drives him into the wilderness for forty days of testing and temptation. He returns to walk along the Sea of Galilee and calls two young fishermen to become his...

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