Text Sermons
Parental Discipline – of Parents (Ephesians 6: 1-4; Colossians 3: 20-21)
I tend to think that when parents see the words “Parental Discipline” in a sermon title, they immediately think, ‘Great, a good strong sermon from the pastor telling us to be firm with our kids.’ There is certainly an element of that theme in this message. But that’s...
Lepers of the King (2 Kings 7: 3-10)
Jerusalem, that great city on a hill, had had her virtues turned against her. A strong Syrian army had encircled and besieged her, thereby enlisting starvation as a military weapon. The people of Jerusalem were famished and destitute. The encircling army was...
If the Journey is True, Can the Destination Be False? (Mark 8: 11-21)
Years ago, in a small French village, a Roman Catholic priest finally gained appointment as bishop at the relatively late age of 65, and was installed in a palatial house adjacent to a small, dilapidated hospital. After observing events in and around the hospital for...
“Lovers of the Cross Are Few” – Deacon ordination charge to Phil Nelson, Jane Self and Kristy Wilson (Matthew 10: 38-39)
Thomas Hemerken, better known to the world as Thomas a’ Kempis, was born late in the 14th century. Born of poor parents, he entered the monastery in 1399 and worked there for an astounding seventy-two years. He was widely known as a preacher and spiritual advisor, but...
Alexander and Rufus (Mark 15: 21)
“And they compelled a passer-by, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross.” I have listened to numerous Easter cantatas and watched many Easter dramas, but none have ever mentioned Alexander and Rufus....