Text Sermons
A Man of Unfinished Faith (Mark 9: 14-24)
What astounds me about the man in our text today is his absolute honesty before God. He admits what many of us feel but never confess, that he is wrestling with the clashing of his two concepts of God. He believes, generally, that God loves us, that God provides for...
Busy Signals (Mark 10: 13-16)
"My child was born just the other day. He came into the world in the usual way. But there were planes to catch and bills to pay, he learned to walk while I was away. And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew he said, 'I'm gonna be like you dad, you know I'm...
No Other Word Will Do (I Samuel 3: 1-9)
At the height of the Vietnam War a young female war correspondent for the New York Times found herself in the deserted streets of Saigon in the wee hours of the morning. She heard bombers rumbling overhead, heard the distant thunder of explosions and saw flashes of...
Peace with God (Mark 10: 17 – 22)
Jesus is about to begin his life’s final journey toward Jerusalem. But his start is delayed by a young man who runs up to him and piously falls at his feet to ask, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Every word in this exchange is freighted with...
It Didn’t Just Get That Way ( Exodus 32: 15-24)
When Moses descends the mountain carrying the two tablets of revelation that God has given him, only to see his people cavorting around the graven image of a golden calf, his uncontrollable fury compels him to hurl the divine tablets to the ground and shatter them. He...