Text Sermons
The Morning After Death (Luke 20: 27-40)
The Bustle in a House the Morning After DeathIs the solemnest of industries enacted upon Earth.The Sweeping up the Heart and putting Love awayWe shall not want to use again until Eternity. Those elegant words of Emily Dickinson contrast sharply with the stark,...
The Uneaten Holy Bread ( I Corinthians 11: 23-26)
Every century has its own great Christian prophets, and among the most notable and effective Christian spokesmen of the twentieth century was the Russian writer and political prisoner Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who spent years in a Stalinist prison camp in Siberia. He...
Forgetting What Lies Behind (Philippians 3: 13-14)
One fascinating aspect of Paul’s letters are his silences, what he leaves unspoken between the lines. We know, for example, that he loved the Philippian church; and they loved him. Yet even in this love letter to them there is that jarring phrase that says, “It is a...
The Power of Encouragement (Philippians 4: 14-17)
Many years ago I pastored a large, mostly-white, downtown congregation in Charlotte, even as, simultaneously, I was also the Director of Missions for a small but thoroughly multi-cultural Baptist Association. I had a vision: I wanted our little Association to sponsor...
Think Upon the Best (Philippians 4:8-9)
Paul suspects that he does not have much longer to live. Always a man of hope, Paul nevertheless senses that Rome has begun to realize the threat that Christianity poses to its claim of absolute truth and its demand of absolute fealty, and they are not likely to let...