Our Mission
is to embrace, encourage, engage, and educate every child, helping them explore the world around them
and learn about God’s Word, His Grace, and His Love, every day.
Current and Prospective 2K-PreK Students
A Message from the Director
Dear Families,
Thank you for choosing VBMS as your child’s preschool. We know that this is not a decision you have made lightly and we are honored to welcome your child and family into our program.
I have three main goals for this program: happy children who feel encouraged, happy parents who see their child learning, and happy teachers who love what they do here.
With those being my goals, I have even written these words on our hallway wall as reminders. Our church has been praying over this morning school, and these are our prayers:
Growth: that the children grow in their physical skills, knowledge, social relationships, and in their personal confidence.
Joy: that the families of VBMS find joy in what their child is learning, in time together, and through God’s Grace.
Love: that each of us will come to know how much our Lord Loves Us, just as He created us to love Him and each other.
Kindness: that the children will be kind to each other, and in turn, share kindness with the world
Peace: that these classrooms will be a place of peaceful learning, that we are attentive to the needs of these children as they learn, and that they move on from our program calm, strong, and prepared.
Our classrooms, toys, and curriculum are designed to engage and excite children about learning while helping them discover the gifts and talents that God has given them.
We look forward to this being an incredible year!
Mary Catherine O’Neal
VBMS Director mconeal@vbcmacon.org 478-743-9366
Upcoming Special Events
October 11-14: Fall Break
Mid October – Information on this year’s ELF Camp will be released.
2025 Summer Camp: PALS
Registration for our 2025 PALS Summer Camp Is OPEN!
Camp runs Monday – Thursday for 9 weeks during the summer (Memorial Day week, we go Tuesday – Friday and there is no camp the week of July 4th) from 8:30-12:30.
Registration is $25 per child and each week of camp is just $90. You can also select 1, 2, or 3 days of any week if that is all you need! Campers need to bring a nut-free snack and a water bottle to school each day.
2025-2026 Enrolled students can earn $$ off August Tuition when they attend camp. Check the registration document page 3 for more information!
Download the 2025 PALS Camp Registration form and you can email it to mconeal@vbcmacon.org or drop it by the church office, Monday – Thursday between 8am and 1pm!
Policies and Legal Information
~ Discrimination Policy: VBMS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
~ Dismissal Policy: VBMS reserves the right to dismiss a child if, after entering the program, he/she seems unable to participate in group experiences or if fees have not been paid.
~ Exemption: Vineville Baptist Morning School is not licensed and is not required to be licensed by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. We are exempt from licensure by meeting the following exemption guideline: 591-1-1.46(1)(b)6 “Nursery school, playschool, kindergarten, etc. for ages 2-6 years; no more than 4 hours per day.” and 591-1-1-.46(b)5: “Parent’s Morning Out, Parent’s Night Out, or similar programs which operate for no more than one session of up to four (4) consecutive hours per day and which limit attendance to no more than eight (8) hours a week per child.”
~ Inclement Weather Policy: The Vineville Baptist Morning School will follow the Bibb County public school system as it relates to their closures due to inclement weather.
~ Staffing and Class Size: We follow the Georgia Accrediting Commission’s Staff/Child Ratios.
~ The Vineville Baptist Morning School is Affiliated with Georgia Preschool Association.
Georgia law requires that we have a current Certificate of Immunization Form 3231 or Georgia Exemption Letter on file for your child before he/she begins school. Some doctor’s offices are willing to fax the records directly to us. The fax number is (478) 741-9859 Attn: VBMS.
Our School Hangout APP
We will be utilizing Our School Hangout App for all VBMS students starting this school year.
What!?!? An App?! YES! We have finally entered into the “tech age” here at VBMS and now have an app available to “check in” your child, make online payments (cards and e-checks), and keep up with communications from your phone. We are still NEW to this app, so if there are any glitches, please let me know and be patient with us!
All Students will need to be registered on our app.
You may choose to pay online, which does include minimal transaction fees (e-checks are the cheapest, Amex is the highest), but we will also accept cash, check, or money orders as we have for years.
First: visit http://vbms.ourschoolhangout.com from a computer/laptop (it’s easier to type in all in the information)
- Once you have registered on the website, I will have to “confirm” the account on my end.
- Then, you will get an email confirming your account. You may now download the Our School Hangout App and log in.
- You must register on the website before the app will work for you.
- If you have already made any payments in person, I will update your account as soon as I can.
You’ll want to go to the “Available to Sign Up” section for the New School Year and choose the class that your child will be in; if you are unsure, I will add them. If you have any issues, let me know! We are still new to all of this app stuff.
Also in the “Available to Sign Up” section, you will see Early Birds. You will want to select these options if you are going to consistently need the Early Bird hours (early bird drop off is at 8:25am each day, regular drop off is at 8:55am).
Daily Early Bird drop off is available on the calendar.
Registration and Tuition
Registration is now OPEN for the 2025-2026 School Year beginning in early August. Applications may be obtained by calling the Vineville Baptist Morning School Office, or by clicking the following link 2025-2026 VBMS Application. The registration fee for the year is $200.00 and is non-refundable.
Tuition is an annual agreement divided into 10 equal payments, one per month. If your child begins school after the year has begun, your tuition amount will be prorated on a per diem basis, allowing for each month’s tuition to continue as scheduled below after that first month.
Two-Day (T/TH for 2K/3K only) – $180/month
Three-Day (M/W/F) – $210/month
Five-Day (M-F) – $245/month
School begins at 9 AM, but if you need early drop off, starting at 8:25AM, you can add on this Early Bird Drop off for just $25/month.
~ Monthly Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. A late fee of $20 is added if payment has not been received by the 5th of each month. An additional $20 fee will be applied every Tuesday following the 5th until the balance is paid. If a balance remains at the end of the month, the student may not return to school until the balance is paid in full.
~ Full payment of the registration fee and all completed forms are necessary in order to hold your child’s spot in the Morning School program
ELF Camp - December 2024
Registration for ELF CAMP is OPEN!
We are offering ELF Camp this year for 5 days while school is out for the holiday for children aged 2-8. Campers do not have to be VBMS students.
We will focus on Physical education, Art, Literacy, and Science all with a Christmas theme!
Camp dates are December 23, 26, 27, 20, and 31. Hours are 8:30-12:25 with drop off between 8:25 and 9 am.
Registration is $20 per child. You can choose one day of camp, every other day of camp, all five days of camp, or any combination of days. Tuition is paid up front on a per diem basis and the amount is currently $20-$30 per day, depending on the activity. Space is limited, so register as soon as you can so that I can confirm availability. We accept e-check, credit card, cash, check, or money order for payments.
Click Here to download the ELF Camp Registration 2024 form; it can be emailed to mconeal@vbcmacon.org.
Curriculum and Activities
~ VBMS fosters learning in many areas of intellectual development including social behavior, emotional balance, physical skills, and Christian values. Children experience teaching through thematic, age-appropriate, teacher-directed activities and free play. Concepts related to the alphabet, letter sounds, writing, numbers, colors, shapes, beginner math, sight words, etc. are presented through fun games, activities, stories, music, art, and dramatic play in our play-based curriculum.
~ Beyond the basics our students also have some super fun opportunities to learn about:
Art: Trying new techniques, mediums, and styles
Literacy: Weekly trips to the church library to hear a story and learn how to independently select and check out a book.
Music: We will all be making a lot of joyful noise!
Physical Exercise: Children will learn relaxation techniques, increase their balance, flexibility, and strength through exercise, yoga, stretching, and more.
Science: Children will step into our Innovation Lab for hands on Science experiments and other activities designed to focus on technology, engineering, science, and math.
Chapel: Learn more about God and Jesus through Bible stories, music, and by praying together.
Parents Morning Out
A Message from the Director
Dear Families,
Thank you for choosing VBMS as your child’s preschool. We know that this is not a decision you have made lightly and we are honored to welcome your child and family into our program.
I have three main goals for this program: happy children who feel encouraged, happy parents who see their child learning, and happy teachers who love what they do here.
With those being my goals, I have even written these words on our hallway wall as reminders. Our church has been praying over this morning school, and these are our prayers:
Growth: that the children grow in their physical skills, knowledge, social relationships, and in their personal confidence.
Joy: that the families of VBMS find joy in what their child is learning, in time together, and through God’s Grace.
Love: that each of us will come to know how much our Lord Loves Us, just as He created us to love Him and each other.
Kindness: that the children will be kind to each other, and in turn, share kindness with the world
Peace: that these classrooms will be a place of peaceful learning, that we are attentive to the needs of these children as they learn, and that they move on from our program calm, strong, and prepared.
Our classrooms, toys, and curriculum are designed to engage and excite children about learning while helping them discover the gifts and talents that God has given them.
We look forward to this being an incredible year!
Mary Catherine O’Neal
VBMS Director mconeal@vbcmacon.org 478-743-9366
Upcoming Special Events
February 18, 20, 21, 22 – VBC Children’s Consignment Sale
February 17-19 – Presidents Day Holiday and Winter Break
May 1 – Discounted Re-Enrollment deadline
May 25th – Last Day of our PMO School year program
May 23rd – 2K to PreK – End of the Year Program at 11am
May 27th – Summer Program begins
Policies and Legal Information
~ Discrimination Policy: VBMS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
~ Dismissal Policy: VBMS reserves the right to dismiss a child if, after entering the program, he/she seems unable to participate in group experiences or if fees have not been paid.
~ Exemption: Vineville Baptist Morning School is not licensed and is not required to be licensed by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. We are exempt from licensure by meeting the following exemption guideline: 591-1-1.46(1)(b)6 “Nursery school, playschool, kindergarten, etc. for ages 2-6 years; no more than 4 hours per day.” and 591-1-1-.46(b)5: “Parent’s Morning Out, Parent’s Night Out, or similar programs which operate for no more than one session of up to four (4) consecutive hours per day and which limit attendance to no more than eight (8) hours a week per child.”
~ Inclement Weather Policy: The Vineville Baptist Morning School will follow the Bibb County public school system as it relates to their closures due to inclement weather.
~ Staffing and Class Size: We follow the Georgia Accrediting Commission’s Staff/Child Ratios.
~ The Vineville Baptist Morning School is Affiliated with Georgia Preschool Association.
Georgia law requires that we have a current Certificate of Immunization Form 3231 or Georgia Exemption Letter on file for your child before he/she begins school. Some doctor’s offices are willing to fax the records directly to us. The fax number is (478) 741-9859 Attn: VBMS.
Our School Hangout APP
We will be utilizing Our School Hangout App for all VBMS students starting this school year.
What!?!? An App?! YES! We have finally entered into the “tech age” here at VBMS and now have an app available to “check in” your child, make online payments (cards and e-checks), and keep up with communications from your phone. We are still NEW to this app, so if there are any glitches, please let me know and be patient with us!
All Students will need to be registered on our app.
You may choose to pay online, which does include minimal transaction fees (e-checks are the cheapest, Amex is the highest), but we will also accept cash, check, or money orders as we have for years.
First: visit http://vbms.ourschoolhangout.com from a computer/laptop (it’s easier to type in all in the information)
- Once you have registered on the website, I will have to “confirm” the account on my end.
- Then, you will get an email confirming your account. You may now download the Our School Hangout App and log in.
- You must register on the website before the app will work for you.
- If you have already made any payments in person, I will update your account as soon as I can.
You’ll want to go to the “Available to Sign Up” section for the Parents’ Morning Out options and choose the class that your child will be in; if you are unsure, I will add them. If you have any issues, let me know! We are still new to all of this app stuff.
There are no extra fees for Early Bird Drop off times as our Parents Morning Out drop off begins at 8:25am and ends at 9am. Please make sure children are dropped off within that time frame.
Registration and Tuition
The registration fee for the year 2025-2026 is $135.00 and is non-refundable. We are currently registering for our Summer and upcoming school year’s Parents Morning Out! You can download our 2025-2026 PMO Application and submit it via email or request a tour and pick up a paper copy by contacting us at mconeal@vbcmacon.org.
Tuition is an annual agreement divided into 10 equal payments, one per month. If your child begins PMO after the year has begun, your tuition amount will be prorated on a per diem basis, allowing for each month’s tuition to continue as scheduled below after that first month.
The options, as space allows, will be as follows:
5 days: $340/month
4 days: $310/month
3 days: $260/month
2 days: $210/month
1 day: $160/month
~ There is a 10% sibling discount for PMO and VBMS families with 2 or more children enrolled.
~ Monthly Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. A late fee of $20 is added if payment has not been received by the 5th of each month. An additional $20 fee will be applied every Tuesday following the 5th until the balance is paid. If a balance remains at the end of the month, the child may not return to PMO until the balance is paid in full.
~ Full payment of the registration fee and all completed forms are necessary in order to hold your child’s spot in the Morning School program.
Curriculum and Activities
~ VBMS fosters learning in many areas of intellectual development including social behavior, emotional balance, physical skills, and Christian values. Children experience teaching through thematic, age-appropriate, teacher-directed activities and free play. Concepts related to the alphabet, letter sounds, writing, numbers, colors, and shapes are presented through fun games, activities, stories, music, art, and dramatic play opporunities.
~ Our teachers are required to be engaging and interactive with childen, on their level, as much as possible. Learning begins from day 1 with babies, and we do not want to miss opportunities while they are in our care. You will hear us go beyond “whatcha doing?” or “Do you have a ball?” and we will be having “conversations” like “You have a blue ball. Would you like this red ball?” and “You are stacking blocks! That is hard work. Here is 1, 2, and 3 blocks. Can we add this orange block on top? Now we have 1, 2, 3, 4!!” The so called payoff from these one sided conversations are children who will typically begin speaking earlier, use a larger vocabulary than many of their peers, and grasp an early understanding of concepts such as colors, shapes, counting, directional words, and more. When we read, it’s not just words on a page, but pictures to be inspected, words to point at, and learning to sit still for a moment and pay attention. We will be playing a lot. Children learn best through play. Things like problem solving, self regulation, perseverance, teamwork, and sharing are just the tip of the iceberg when learning through play.
All of these skills will be helping to set up your children for a beautiful education experience in the years to come.
~ Beyond the basics our students also have some super fun opportunities to learn about:
Art: We will often give opportunities for each child to have some type of sensory play through arts and crafts to encourage little finger muscles to work!
Literacy: We will be reading to each child daily. A love of reading starts early, so we will encourage interactive reading. If we can join the 2 year old class for library time on Wednesdays, we will.
Music: We will all be making a lot of joyful noise and listening to soft or upbeat music often.
Physical Movement: Children will be encouraged to (age and situation appropriately) walk, sit, stand, roll, grasp, throw, pick up, jump, and so on to help muscle control develop.
Faith: Children will hear Bible stories while being read to as well as Christian childrens’ songs. If we can join the preschool for Chapel time, we will.
PLAY is a child’s work and we intend to do a lot of playing!
Click on our pictures below to scroll through our 2022-2024 Photo Gallery!