Children's Ministry
Mission and Vision
At Vineville Baptist Church we recognize the importance of providing children with a strong foundation of faith. Our desire is to create experiences that will whet their appetites and begin in them a hunger for deeper faith in God our Creator, Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Sustainer. The children of the church are cherished for their exuberance and embraced as a gift. At VBC, children are welcomed as an important and integral part in all aspects of the Church.
Preschool Sunday School
Sundays at 9:35 a.m.
During our weekly Sunday School time children are given the opportunity to grow in their understanding of God as they study the Bible in age-appropriate ways through hands-on activities and intentional life-application discussion. We currently utilize the Rhyme Bible to guide our lessons together.
Where and When
Sunday School meets from 9:35 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.
– Babies – 2 years meet in our Sammons building in Room 106.
Led by Deidra Harris, Len Hindsman, Jennifer Kelly, and Mary Catherine O’Neal
– 3 years – Kindergarten meet in our Sammons building in Room 103.
Led by Norma Thompson and Gyni Wood
Preschool Choir
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Preschool Choir at VBC includes children from 3K through Kindergarten. Preschoolers will have the opportunity to sing during a Christmas program in December and during an end-of-year program in May; these programs are on Wednesday nights around 6:30 pm.
Preschool choir emphasizes steady beat, simple rhythm patterns, matching pitch, and basic concepts such as high and low, loud and soft, fast and slow. Age-appropriate spiritual concepts are woven into our teaching as we discuss the words we are singing.
Our preschool choir is not only for the children of Vineville Baptist families, but also children whose families do not have a church home or whose church home is not able to provide a graded choir program. Visitors are always welcome!
Preschool Mission Friends
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Mission Friends is for children ages 3 years through Kindergarten. In Mission Friends, we strive to plant seeds of God’s love for each child and for others. Our curriculum comes from CBF and is a downloadable resource designed to teach preschoolers about missions and the missional life by engaging all 5 senses through experiential learning. We also assist with various local mission projects to help those in need, teaching and embodying the truth that it is more meaningful to give than to receive. We support ministries who serve those in our community and other parts of the world. Our activities encourage a life-long commitment to learning scripture, praying, giving, and serving others.
Children's Sunday School
Sundays at 9:35 a.m.
During our weekly Sunday School time children are given the opportunity to grow in their understanding of God as they study the Bible in age appropriate ways through hands-on activities and intentional life-application discussion. We currently utilize the Gospel Project, a Christ-centered, chronological Bible study for our 1st-6th graders.
Where and When
Sunday School meets from 9:35 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.
– 1st and 2nd Graders meet in our Sammons building in the children’s suite (S-102), Room 104.
– Led by Stacy Whitehead and Rhonda Terry
– 3rd-6th Graders meet in our Sammons building in the children’s suite (S-102), Room B.
– Led by Barbara Jones, Eric Blizzard, and Michael O’Neal
Children's Choir
Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m.
Our Children’s Choir is named, “Treble Makers”. At VBC Treble Makers include children from 1st through 6th grade. The Treble Makers sing during a Christmas program in December and during an end-of-year program in May; these programs are on Wednesday evenings around 6:30 p.m.. Treble Makers also have the opportunity to lead in worship on Sunday mornings throughout the year.
Treble Makers have access to a wide variety of rhythm instruments, resonator bells, Boomwhackers, and Orff instruments. They also use choir chimes and handbells. The choir will sing with both recordings and piano accompaniment. Musical concepts and singing skills are taught in both small group and large group settings. The Treble Makers build on the foundation of the preschool choir by adding more difficult rhythms, singing in parts, music reading, and performance skills. Age-appropriate spiritual concepts are woven into our teachings as we discuss the words we are singing.
Treble Makers include not only the children of our Vineville Baptist families, but also children whose families do not have a church home or whose church home is not able to provide a graded choir program. Visitors are always welcome!
Children's Missions
At various times throughout the year our children and their families are invited to participate in a variety of mission projects and learn about missionaries around the world. Through these experiences, they are learning to embody the truth that it is more meaningful to give than to receive. Our activities encourage a life-long commitment to learning scripture, praying, giving, and serving others.
Consignment Sale
We look forward to our Children’s Consignment Sale every year! TWICE a year, actually! This sale supports families in our communities who consign with us as well as families in our communities who shop with us. Our church’s Children’s Ministry is also blessed by some of the proceeds of this sale. We’d love to have you be a part of it with us! Follow this link to find out more and to register!
Family Vacation Bible School
Our family style VBS is a blast! We love having the families of 3 year olds – completed 5th graders join us for an incredible time of learning that we can trust God to be with us wherever we go.
This year, families are invited to go on a Road Trip with us.
– Travelers will learn to follow God like Abraham and Sarah. They’ll begin to trust that God is with them on the journey.
– Through the story of the Israelites, travelers will learn that God is with them even when they go off course.
– Travelers will get to consider who God is with them when they are joyful, just as God was in Mary and Elizabeth’s family reunion.
– Through the story of Zacchaeus, travelers will be reminded that God is with them when they are lonely.
– Lastly, travelers will get to go on the Road with Paul, learning that God wi with them near and far.
Come join us on this summer’s Road Trip with God! Registration is available by clicking this link. The deadline to register is May 7.
What to expect on your first visit
We would love to welcome you as our guest! Our preschoolers (babies-Kindergarten) and children (1st-5th) meet on the first floor of our Sammons Building. We encourage you to park in our Pierce parking lot and enter our building via the door closest to Pierce Avenue. Preschool families will check in using nametags that have an accompanying parent pick-up tag. This helps us ensure preschoolers are only dismissed to an approved adult. Parents will check their children in with the teachers at their respective classes. These teachers will bring the children to the Guest Reception area for pick-up prior to worship.
When you arrive in the building our amazing volunteers would welcome the opportunity to personally usher you to your classes!
Background Checks
All staff and volunteers ages 18+ undergo background checks prior to serving with children or youth. These background checks are repeated, at minimum, every two years.
If you are interested in volunteering, please:
1. Contact Leigh Halverson for further conversation.
2. Read the instructions regarding how to complete the background check paperwork.
3. Complete Background Check Form 1 of 3.
4. Complete Background Check Form 2 of 3.
5. Complete Background Check Form 3 of 3.
Other Questions
I have other questions about the children’s ministry at Vineville Baptist Church. With whom do I speak? Leigh Halverson is our Minister of Family Life and Education. You may email Leigh or call the Church Office, 478-743-9366 to speak with Leigh.