Believe in Yourself?   (Romans 3: 9 -18)

Normally, this would be the season when stadiums and high school auditoriums would be filled with graduates listening to baccalaureate addresses and commencement speeches in which no small number of them would feature the feel-good theme of positive psychology: ...

The Power of Life   (Romans 1: 16-17)

A little over twenty years ago, two enraged and heavily-armed teenagers determined to wreak havoc in their community, entered Columbine High School and found several terrified students huddling in the library.  They apparently asked at least two of these students, “Do...

You Bet Your Life   (Matthew 28: 1-10)

When my twin sons were about ten years old, one of them came home in tears, devastated, heart-broken, even faith-shaken, because some older kid had verbally assaulted him saying, “There is no God.  The Bible is a bunch of fairy tales, and your parents are fools for...